Registration and provisional programme for Tri-MIPathlon 3, 1-3 December 2021
The Radiative Forcing Model Intercomparison Project (RFMIP) will assess sources of error and spread in the radiative forcing calculated by state-of-the-art climate models for historical and future climate studies. RFMIP consists of three linked components: one assessing the forcing by greenhouse gases, one the forcing by aerosols, and one linking these with estimates of effective forcing inferred from global model integrations via careful diagnosis.
See also our page at ESGF and the links to the RFMIP experiments on ES-Doc.
For modellers
A guide to participating in the MIPs, including registering your model, converting output to CMOR format, and uploading to ESGF, is here.
The CMIP6 data request guide describes the requested variables for each MIP.
Data access
To access data, go to https://esgf-node.llnl.gov/search/cmip6/ and select RFMIP under the “Activity” sidebar. JASMIN users can also access data at /badc/cmip6/data/CMIP6/RFMIP.
Comparison of radiative forcing (RF), effective radiative forcing (ERF) with Gregory regression (ERF_reg), ERF with tropospheric correction (ERF_trop), ERF with land surface kernel correction (ERF_ts), feedback-corrected ERF (ERF_λ) and fixed-SST ERF in 18 CMIP6 models participating in RFMIP for present-day CO2, present-day well-mixed greenhouse gases, present-day aerosols, present-day land use and present-day anthropogenic total (from Smith et al., 2020).